You Know!
You wanted a challenge?
BTW. Stock is still going down!
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
You Know!
You wanted a challenge?
BTW. Stock is still going down!
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
For the dozens of apostate JW websites, dozens of books, and literally thousands of posters on forums like this, up to this point there apparently exists no reasonable answer to the challenge I presented here. Have all the ridiculers been silenced and reduced to muttering nonsensical gibberish? It would certainly seem so.According to the prophetic script, ridiculers of Christ's presence, and apostates in particular, contend, with numerous variations on the theme, that nothing out of the ordinary is happening that hasn't happened before. That is demonstrably not true. And the fact that no apostate can refute the facts now presented lays bear the entire apostate movement as being based upon a lie and fraud. / You Know
Firstly, I love you pic! Fabulously tasty. It looks like you've won a battle with Devil himself!
Secondly, this is not a challenge.
Ive left the WTS in 1995. Baptized 1980. 5 years studied with them.
Now Ive lost a confidence in the Bible but, there are things which are huge puzzle for me.
I dont think that WWI or WWII were wars really global and as destructive as this III-rd one may be.
And I have not slightest doubts that WWIII has started all ready in . Now, in few weeks will attack and God knows what else will happened. and seems to be a boiling pot and soup is all ready to be consumed.
From other hand, USA wants whole world and whole oil. If they will not get it, their economy is finished. is the biggest threat to economy. Two or more years and China will flood the global market in unprecedented scale with cheap and good enough quality products. That's the great danger for the world econmy and they have to protect themselves. It is the matter of survival in this world. China has nukes, EM weapons as well and these ones are so powerful, they can destroy not only Earth but also Moon and even Sun. Our Solar System can be destroyed!
That is the challenge!
I have found some incredible video here. D/Load and listen to it carefully!
Than go and spent some time here...
At infowars are many very good links which are well worth checking.
This things are happening right now. Evidences are enormous. That of course mean, that if will take the world over as NOW, Revelation will be fulfilled. That would also mean that WTS is wrong because they have missed several points all ready. Their false predictions like 1914, 1934, 1975 are clear warning that the WTS is a false prophet. Events are starting most likely now and if God will not stop these war monsters, no one will survive. Luke 21:8.
I certainly wonder why no one has even pointed to it. It's conspiracy BS? You wish!
What is worse, some people do believe that aliens are running the show. Example David Icke. Aliens or... demons?
or late William Cooper Cooper was murdered by the police because he was a kook!?!?!?!?!While I do not believe in everything I read, when these events and informations are joined together, it looks like Revelation is going too happened.
Wanna challenge? Prove these guys are wrong and we are living in the wonderful world. ;-P
One more thing. Check the share market from time to time.^DJI
Take note where was index in 9/11! Scary, huh? What is worse, it goes down again. These rich bastards ALWAYS know where the problem will strike and quickly are withdrawing money from market. They always know in advance. If you will see that the line will go as low as was at 9/11, than you can be sure that something horrible will happened.
Im really confused. From logical point of view Christs resurrection most likely never happened. And the Bible is so often incorrect and even plainly crazy.
However, from the world situation I can see clear that darkest clouds are dangerously close and Revelation and the Bible can be true.
, two headed beast two part world power, USA/Israel. Some people call is USrael. Identity chips ale all ready made and used. 666 is Davids star. had mortal wound which is healed now. The whole world does admire and Jewish Hollywood and Jewish media. star is the part of USA Seal!
That is all very scary.
What is funny the WTS does not even try to print anything what could upset or government. So much trust in Jehovahs power and protection.;-P
If these events will take place, than WTS is dead wrong. (The WTS was ALWAYS wrong.)Thats not the tool God will use to warn people. That tool has a long record of unfulfilled and completely missed prophecies. Even Gods name they have wrong and they followed the world tradition maliciously avoiding using the name God gave himself personally.
If God would use the WTS now to warn others, that would be dishonest! Before JW opens his mouth, the public will laugh.
Edited by - Mr Bean on 13 June 2002 10:36:51
Edited by - Mr Bean on 13 June 2002 10:39:8
was written next and makes a brief mention of the resurrection and ascension; which includes a conspiracy theory about the body being stolen (matt.
where did jesus first appear?
where else did jesus appear?
With sadness I have to agree with you. Very nicely you put it here
"Thomas proclaimed that he needed more than the claims of more or less hysterical believers to accept this extraordinary claim. He would, he proclaimed, believe if he received evidence. Would not any sane person have reacted in the same way? And indeed, in this story, Jesus accepts the challenge, and proves to Thomas's satisfaction that he is the resurrected Christ. Alas, here we find Jesus (John 20:29) ruining the whole store by making an outragously stupid conclusion: "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." "In other words, the Jesus of John blessed blind superstitious faith and repudiated sound skepticism."
In other words, Jesus has said: "Blessed naive ones because they will inherit ."
I was always wondering if Jesus, God would say something silly like that. It looks to me that it is clearly a propaganda churches and authorities to never question of anything.
What they are saying is: just trust us and you will be all right. Maybe even dead but... still all right. We need you live on our altar of sacrifice for your country, our God, our land, our (NOT YOURS) destiny or more importantly - we need more money and you should have the faith in God, in us and... give us our life and everything that belongs to you. Trust us and don't dare to question. We are God's appointed people, Pope, GB or other kind of cheaters and parasites.
was written next and makes a brief mention of the resurrection and ascension; which includes a conspiracy theory about the body being stolen (matt.
where did jesus first appear?
where else did jesus appear?
As ex-Jws have we learned nothing... Oh yeah thats the point isn't it?
You are dead wrong! But… I’m not upset. :D
I'm still searching with an opened mind.
When I was a dub, I believed them for 20 years. Now I need a very solid proof to believe anything. When I’ve left in 1995 even a thought about the Bible being not a word of God was a mission impossible. Now is the different story. Now I’ve learned how powerful is mind control and our urge to believe in SOMETHING.
I think that I have learned to use more my own brain.
I do enjoy my freedom and I have to do some more research just to prove for myself that I didn’t miss anything important so far. However, I’m nearly 100% sure that I have done almost everything to search for God. And… after my 27 years of research, unfortunately I know less about God than I’ve started with.
was written next and makes a brief mention of the resurrection and ascension; which includes a conspiracy theory about the body being stolen (matt.
where did jesus first appear?
where else did jesus appear?
The ones I find the most unbelievable are those like Mr. Bean who claim that if there was a God who had a plan for salvation he surely would have made it easier to understand and more clear so that no one could refute it. This line of thinkng is not only illogical, it ignores the evidence that exists. The message of Salvation is very easy to understand and to believe. God sent his son to take our place and to die for us in forgiveness of our sins. All we have to do is believe it. He has given us everything we need to believe, we simply need to make the choice to open up to the evidence. It is not a blind faith, but a faith based upon evidence that is looked at objectively can only lead to one conclusion.
The basic question.
Why people in the first century deserved so many evidences? Jesus has performed so many miracles and he was giving irrefutable prove if his origin and his purpose.
Why he didn’t tell them simply to believe him? Than he could jump from the high rock and make that way a valid sacrifice.
As you explained us kindly, these people were more trusting in spoken words than anyone today. So, thy never needed ANY of evidences that we need today.
In cases like ALWAYS lying politicians, scientists, media, lawyers we are so skeptical
today and it is harder and harder to sell a lie to an average person. We have the Internet
And that’s the most powerful weapon against a lie. Media, politician always are forgetting what they have lie about it and just quick jump on the net and here we are.
They can’t recall correctly but… we can!
We can check almost ANYTHING now.
The problem is a simple one. Why I have to be a Bible scholar to believe or not in the Bible? With my Christian experiences and some knowledge of history, does tell me, that religious people were and still are the most dangerous, twisted creatures on the face of the earth!
Few instances: RCC, inquisitions, Reformation, crusades, new cults JW included. All these are enough reason to not trust the Bible because it comes from such sources. RCC had the power to change original writings and they were so dishonest in their past that the Bible today is not the source I’m trusting as the word of God. Sorry, comes from wrong source.
In the world where lie is the way of life (Religion included.), you expect everyone to believe because someone has written something 2000 years ago and even didn’t bothered to sigh the thing up?
Also, according to the Gospel, Pilatus asked: What is the truth? That indicates to me that in Jesus times the lie was as important part of life as is today.
I’m reading often newsgroups and… debate what God’s name is, there is a Trinity, Jesus died on cross or not, Jesus is Jehovah, Archangel Michael etc. etc. are still running as hot as in the first century. What is worse, in all these debates ALL participants usually right. Just check the Bible! ;-P
That’s the sign of very clear message for you?
Just look at the record of Christian nations. Two world wars. Russian revolution. Nuclear
destruction of two Japanese towns, done by the people who claim “In God we trust”
and “God bless America.” More appropriate would be “God (b)less America.”
And now were in dire straits of the third world war and Christians are still the most blood thirsty as they have ever been. And they are telling us; trust in God, Christ and his ransom.
Don’t you think the world needs MUCH more than unclear message written by not well verified writers nearly 2000 years ago?
I would even dare to say, the world need Christ now! He didn’t need Him 2000 years ago. The world does need Christ now or… the world has big chances to get totally perish
in the third world war.
If the world has the Creator or Savior, He is needed urgently NOW!
was written next and makes a brief mention of the resurrection and ascension; which includes a conspiracy theory about the body being stolen (matt.
where did jesus first appear?
where else did jesus appear?
Yes SS. I've read these links and... thanks!;-P
"It should not be lost on us that Thomas was depicted as no less righteous for refusing to believe so wild a claim without physical proof. We have as much right, and ought to follow his example. He got to see and feel the wounds before believing, and so should we. I haven't, so I can't be expected to believe it.[41] And this leads me to one final reason why I don't buy the resurrection story. No wise or compassionate God would demand this from us. Such a god would not leave us so poorly informed about something so important.[42] If we have a message for someone that is urgently vital for their survival, and we have any compassion, that compassion will compel us to communicate that message clearly and with every necessary proof--not ambiguously, not through unreliable mediaries presenting no real evidence. Conversely, if we see something incredible, we do not attack or punish audiences who don't believe us, we don't even expect them to believe--unless and until we can present decisive proof.
There is a heroic legend in the technology community about the man who invented elevator safety brakes. He claimed that any elevator fitted with his brakes, even if all the cables broke, would be safely and swiftly stopped by his new invention. No one trusted it. Did he get angry or indignant? No. He simply put himself in an elevator, ordered the cables cut, and proved to the world, by risking his own life, that his brakes worked.[43] This is the very principle that has delivered us from superstition to science. Any claim can be made about a drug, but people are rightly wary of swallowing anything that hasn't been thoroughly tested and re-tested and tested again. Since I have no such proofs regarding the resurrection story, I'm not going to swallow it, and it would be cruel, even for a god, to expect otherwise of me. So I can reason rightly that a god of all humankind would not appear in one tiny backwater of the Earth, in a backward time, revealing himself to a tiny unknown few, and then expect the billions of the rest of us to take their word for it, and not even their word, but the word of some unnamed person many times removed."
JanH. Friend of Kent? We know each other from 1995! ;D
I have started to have so many problems with the Bible.
First were Jesus’ prophecies. His prophecies are clear proof that
he had no slightest idea about today realities and technologies. Also, the message of Christ and messages of his followers, especially apostle Paul’ seems to be two different things.
Prophecies of Gordon Scallion or Sollogs are more precise unreliable as Jesus'. The destruction of Jerusalem was written clearly after the event and other prophecies are so general that we can match them to almost any event in our history.
More research I do, worse it looks for the Christ and for the Bible. :(
I think men at 21 Century do need a little more than the Bible full of not very well documented stories.
I’m sure of one thing. If God, Creator, ET whoever He is, will want us to know something very important and vital to our salvation, He will find an easy way to give us this information. And than we will have not slightest doubts, who is an author of such message and what message is all about.
has anyone ever seen a statement in one the wts publications saying that a limited nuclear exchange could start the great tribulation?
i seem to remember that from my childhood days at the book study.
Please read your Bibles.
The thing that will trigger Armageddon is the destruction of Babylon the Great by the U.N. According to Daniel, Japan, Russia and the US would give up sovereignty at the time the 4th beast, Babylon the Great, is destroyed by fire and they would be extended life for "a time and a season" which is 1 year and 3 months.
Hi Messiah!
I just did so. Big disapontment! Daniel didn't use words you've used like: Armageddon, Babylon the Great, U.N. Japan, Russia or USA!
Where did you get these ideas my Lord?
Inspiration from your Father?
Try to read Luke 21:8!
was written next and makes a brief mention of the resurrection and ascension; which includes a conspiracy theory about the body being stolen (matt.
where did jesus first appear?
where else did jesus appear?
So far it is1:0 for Josh McDowell. No one as yet has posted just one valid argument against his work.
For me this is a starting point to do some very serious research.
I think that everyone who is searching for the truth should start that way. It's the perfect starting point.
Just saw in TV a group of ghost hunters. They were filming ghosts in infra red light and they were investigating haunted homes, cemeteries.
IMHO there are many clouds on the Bible, religion, ghost, UFO and ET's.
But...if on the huge ocean appears a muddy trace of land, no one is questioning the land, because picture is not sharp. The fact is, the land is there and in right time picture will be crisp and clear.
was written next and makes a brief mention of the resurrection and ascension; which includes a conspiracy theory about the body being stolen (matt.
where did jesus first appear?
where else did jesus appear?
Your article has deeply disturbed me.
I just wonder who can refute so strong logic and arguments you have well presented here.
I have lost a lot of trust in the Bible after I have left JW's, but... I'm going to research some more. Arguments presented by the WTS were not even near the quality you have presented here.
I'll be watching this space very carefully.
Great job.
they've made so bad name for god and his organization.
that they have to hide their identities in order to start.
any conversation.
They've made so bad name for god and his organization
that they have to hide their identities in order to start
any conversation. People are on the run when they hear
name - Jehovah!
Beautiful results after over 100 years of preaching false teachings, new/old light/lie.
Nice glory added to man made name. Thanks God, they didn't used
the real God's name. He would probably destroyed them all ready.
That way they still have a chance to repent.
The false prophet using the false name.
No harm done!